Tobacco Harm Reduction
For the past 30 years, Pinney Associates has worked on research and policies to minimize the death and disease associated with smoking conventional cigarettes. Our efforts have included helping smokers gain greater access to nicotine replacement therapies by facilitating over-the-counter availability, as well as advocating for regulations and policies based on the continuum of risk for nicotine-containing products.
Since October of 2019, Pinney Associates has been working with JUUL Labs, Inc. to advance relative risk-based regulation of nicotine and tobacco products.
Smokers should not have to suffer unnecessarily and risk dying prematurely because of how they get their nicotine. We believe our work with JUUL Labs can help accelerate the market away from combustible tobacco, so that smokers who want or need to continue using nicotine have appealing alternatives that substantially lower their risk of harm.